Friday, August 7, 2009

08.07.2009 Shukyouhoujin Rinzaisyu Tokyo Bukouzanji

...Just a fancy way of saying Tokyo FGS.

10:00 am
I’m on the Shinkansen, Japan’s infamous bullet train. I don’t think it’s faster than Europe’s ICE though. (or was it TGV?) Wing sent me off this morning, which was really nice since that meant he’ll be really late for work. I used my VISA to pay for the ticket this morning and I’m really glad that they didn’t freeze my account due to strange activity in a foreign country.

4:30 pm
I arrived at Tokyo around 1pm. I arrived much earlier than I thought I would. I guess I should have stuck around Osaka for lunch with Wing before speeding off to another city. Now I'm at Tokyo FGS, Ru Zhao is here, and she has gotten rounder! hehe. To Asians like us, it’s a good thing so that's alright to mention. It is very good to see her, she is like family to me. The new FGS is bigger and well, new. I’ll show pictures when I eventually take them. My room is really great. There’s a washing machine and dryer IN MY ROOM. And a TV, and internet, which means more regular updates! yay!

This was at the station. An ad for Google Maps Japan Beta

I stayed indoors all day just relaxing and planning the rest of my week in Tokyo. There are lots of things to see! I only realize now that I think I am running out of time...and money. haha. Anyway my posts for this final leg of the trip will definitely be "jing chai" (awesome?)!

Oh and an update on my health. I am feeling much better than when I first got sick. Not so much of a voice, but that's okay. I have a runny nose and a dry cough too, all to be cured supersoon...

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