Sunday, January 24, 2010

01.20-22.2010 IDS, CUTMR, Guu

I went to the Interior Design Show in Toronto and participated in a few of the Design Week events. The show itself wasn't really anything spectacular, but the lectures were good. I missed out on the official Pecha Kucha though, because I got lazy. However, highlight of the IDS? JAIME HAYON! I met him, and he's actually as cool as you think he is. Possibly even cooler. He is passionate and creative and lucky to be able to do whatever he wants. I'm not sure if I want to be like him, but I think it might be kind of nice to be in his (camper) shoes, for a year or two!

Diesel designed lamps. I hope they decide to stick with jeans.


There was a meet and greet with Jaime Hayon that evening at 9pm at Jonathan + Olivia's so we went, but we were early so we sat at the Pho next door. We also didn't want to go exactly at 9 o'clock because we didn't want to seem lame.. and so you know what happend? We showed up at 9:45pm and they were packed. The guy at the door apologized to us and told us that they couldn't let anymore people in unless we were media. : (

For the time inbetween hanging out with Jaime Hayon and the IDS, we checked out Come Up To My Room at the Gladstone Hotel. It was the opening night for this event/exhibition in which each room is taken by an artist and he/she "decorates" it/ changes its space. Anyway this was unexpectedly a good exhibit. Each room was very different and I bumped into a few friends as well.

A room that you enter via a mirrored tunnel and land on a mattress. In the space as well, you can hear a person talking. Apparently it is a computer reading aloud stories of people's dreams that they have submitted online.

This was a very neat game that was alluring because the grand prize was a two headed squirrel. If you lose, you can still win a ceramic peanut!

The next day, we went to a new restaurant in Toronto called Guu. It's an 'izakaya' a typical Japanese bar. For the entire week it has been open, it has been packed with people, and the reviews are good. I had to wait 3 hours to get in for my friend's birthday. Anyway, the atmosphere is unlike any other you would find in the city of Toronto and the food is good. It's kind of like a tapas bar, but Japanese. Anyway, in the picture above is the birthday girl sharing her birthday shots with the manager and head chef of the izakaya.

1 comment :

  1. I´m studding Jaime Hayon for a project to my graduation and I´m falling in love by his work...some people maybe are right by saying that he is going to be the new Philipe Starck...Jaime work is so wonderful with simple lines as good combination of the colours!! Lovely!

    See the lamps of this new brand, DELIGHTFULL, they have some great pieces, Marcus, a table lamp is my favourite one...check it out!

    Hope you like and give me your opinion
