Wednesday, June 1, 2011

05.31.2011 Florence, Italy

Although I've only been here for two days, I feel like I've been here for seven. I also woke up today to find my legs still aching from the previous day in Rome!

Anyway, today we are going to Florence!

10.40 am on the train to Florence.
I’m so excited! I think Florence is going to be beautiful and there is so much I want to see, I’m going to be sososo pooped.
The train ride was short. Everyone was hoping for a few more hours of rest but the trip between Rome and Florence is only an hour.

"We arrived!" she said
Upon arrival, we settled into our hotel and head out. Lorenzo doesn't really know Florence that well, so he got us lost at one point.

Florence is very small. Everywhere is walkable and about 5 minutes away. Next to the hotel we are staying at is the Santa Maria Novella. This is one of the oldest and main bascilicas of Florence, but taking pictures of the interior wasn't permitted. Although, I can tell you it was very nice!

ISIA was the next stop for our class. ISIA is an industrial and communication design university. We got a tour of their university space, checked out some final year projects, and had an introductory lecture by the director of their school, Stefano Bettega. They have a 60 person faculty! and a 1:3 teacher-student ratio! I am so jealous!

Doodles discovered at school

1. wearable computing prof., 2. spoon mold found in their very messy modeling lab space

tourists getting lost (us)

heading home!

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