Saturday, June 4, 2011

06.03.2011 Florence: Salvatore Ferragamo, Bobili Gardens

I've been feeling much better lately and I have nothing left except allergies. I think I've passed along my cold to four people so my germs have left me. Anyway, in celebration, I had some gelato! Did you know, there is hardly any ice cream in Italy, it is ALL gelato, and there are so many gelato stores I don't understand how they all stay in business together.

We woke up early today to go to the Salvatore Ferragamo museum! We were given a tour of his work and inspiration by two very good looking people. I don't really know anything about Salvatore Ferragamo except that he is an expensive brand name, but the neat thing was that the shoes he designed in the 30s, 40s, 50s, are styles of shoes that can be worn today. Which goes to show that good style never goes bad. 

1. How to model tip #1 pretend to be fabulous
Anyways, after the tour we were done "class" for the day. We visited the Boboli gardens, I was expecting it to be something like the gardens of Versailles but it was nothing like that at all. I guess I was expecting too much haha. The grass was poorly pruned and plants were all over the place. But it was fun because it was just a whole bunch of us hanging out together.

1. How to model tip #2: put one arm on your waist, 2. sharing secrets.

The gardens took all afternoon, and by the end of it, our feet were sore. And for some reason, I have been tripping over small steps or invisible things. It happened twice today: once exiting the Ferragamo boutique store, and again walking downhill in the gardens. It happens to me often actually, that I will be walking and my ankle will give way sideways but I have not sprained my ankle yet. Anyway, the point of this scary observation is that I have this sore spot now in leg joint area..kind of like where it bends..It ached while I walked today, but we'll see tomorrow.

We ended our last evening with a traditional italian multi course dinner with the director of ISIA and some of their faculty and students. The dinner consisted of:
Primi: artichoke hearts, crispy bread, pancetta.
Secondo: spaghetti bolognaise and bread to clean your dish.
Dessert: Biscotti with some sort of sweet vodka, Lemoncello, Grappa
and unlimited refills of wine and water.

So I guess the Italians really do enjoy their food and wine. They really take their time to enjoy sharing a meal with friends.
Dinner took at least 3 hours long and the buses had stopped running by then. Some of us went out to continue to party in the night and others went home as it was already near midnight when we left the restaurant.

Anyway, more updates later! bye!

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