Saturday, June 4, 2011

06.04.2011 Florence > Milan

Milan subway

Heading to Milan today! I don’t know anything about Milan other than the fact that they have an amazing fashion show and furniture fair.  I hear that it’s a much more city-like and it is very large compared to Florence. I guess I’ll find out!

For the last morning in Florence, I went to the market! There were streets filled with stalls of everything. Mostly leather bags, purses, wallets, clothes, keychains, souvenirs, and FOOD! Fresh fruits and vegetables and lots of people bustling around everywhere. I like the busy-ness of markets, it is so lively.


making real fresh pasta!

There isn’t much to write about for today. Other than the market in the morning , we arrived in Milan late afternoon so we didn’t really have time to go out and see a lot of things. However, I DID have amazing pizza. Actually, the pizza here is even better than in Florence. I’m starting to think maybe most food is better in Milan than in Tuscany. But it’s probably unfair to say because the Tuscans have their own preferred taste.  

the layers of brick on this building reminded me of a cake. torte?

hotel room in milano

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