Tuesday, June 14, 2011

06.14.2011 Venice: LAGO, Bisazza

bridge, santiago calatrava
Today we left the island and took a bus to visit two design companies. LAGO and BISAZZA. There is a glass bridge that you can walk across to access land with vehicles since Venice doesn’t allow cars within its city. (built by Santiago Calatrava)

Creative director, Diego, owner, Daniele 
LAGO was a very fun company. They specialize in systems furniture, so shelving, wall units, etc. I think this was the highlight of the day and everybody was really inspired by the company. Although they are a simple furniture company, they have really good values that I admire. Their thinking is very modern and they push the idea that design is not just a profession limited to making a chair, but rather it’s about designing everything around the product as well, from the manufacturing process, to the packaging to the point of sale. Not only that, but they are a young company with a very creative atmosphere. The average age on the creative / design team is 34 and their projects all evoke some sort of fun or curiosity.

Their reception is an “art living room” which meant it was a gallery space as well as a waiting space for guests.
They manufacture most of their work in-house but also remember they sell mostly systems so they mainly need to cut straight edges for shelves. Their shop has windows lined up all along the side to let natural light in, and the best part is that the production line was very efficient. So efficient it’s impressive. They currently follow Toyota’s manufacturing model (vs. the traditional Ford model) and they have been saving both space, time and production cost. They had so many really smart insights on making production more efficient, like categorizing products with a graphic, labelling the location of every cart and shelf so when they are moved, they can be returned, KANBAN stocking, instructions at each operation area, etc. I think all of us were so in awe it felt like we were walking through Charlie and the chocolate factory.

Showroom space, all those cuts and finishes came from a single machine.

stocking slips, helps keep everything organized. When the box is empty, grab the slip and tack it to the KANBAN board.

giant cardboard packaging box maker.

It’s just so neat, I’m just going to make a list so I don’t blabber too long..
1. packaging changes every 2 years to bring a second life to the packaging and create a collectible and give recognition to new local artists.
2. scrap wood gets chopped up and reused as lower cost products.
3. Their showroom. What a FUN space. Everything is usable, playable, and you are encouraged to be curious and open cabinets and turn over mattresses. Show kitchens are used as meeting spaces and living room sofas are used as lounge areas by the staff.
4. They are the only company I know that has adapted to use lean production methods instead of the regular assembly line method
5. constantly updating, and re-evaluating themselves for efficiency and accuracy!

After LAGO was Bizassa. A luxury brand that uses mosaics to create intricate designs for walls, flooring, etc. This was a company that was really only accessible for people who had a lot of money to spend. It’s almost ridiculous. And the funniest part was that they said they were 1. Decorative and 2. Functional and functional because it could be cleaned easily. I believe some of us shifted in our seats uneasily. Hahaa.
They have a really nice showroom and curated art space with projects done by Jaime hayon, studio job, mendini, sotsass, etc. so it was fun going through all that stuff, although the work was all art and impractical.

I'm going to replenish this post with moremoremore cool pix soon!

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