Monday, June 27, 2011

06.27.2011 Rome > Paris > MTL > Ottawa, CANADA!

It’s noon, I’m currently waiting for my flight to Paris. My suitcase is soooo heavy. Actually, it was overweight (surprise!) and you know what solved the problem? My Bisazza catalogue and colours and diID magazines. I was at 30 kg and the limit is 23 so I had to open my suitcase in the middle of the aisle. I’m ashamed to say this happens more often than it should. But when I took out the books, the weight dropped to 23.5! So I guess you can imagine how heavy those books were. I just transferred everything into my carry-on.

2pm (Italian time)
I’m on the flight and I got a window seat! I see a mountain in the distance and I think it’s Mount Vesuvius but that wouldn’t make any geographical sense.

I think I’m going to miss Italy. This trip was really enjoyable! The food, the streets, the sun, the atmosphere is really different compared to Canada. At the same time I’m really excited to be heading home to proper personal amenities.

5pm (Paris time)
I’m on my flight to Montreal from France right now. We are in the double decker! It’s the world’s largest commercial airplane. I wonder if it feels heavier to fly. I also can’t figure out if I should be adjusting my sleep to Toronto time or Sydney time at the moment. I feel like I should adjust to Sydney time but it feels like a lot of work.  Oh, and I tried to go upstairs, but it was gated.

10pm (Canada time)
Okay, I'm currently at the Montreal airport. Getting off the 500 passenger flight took forever, and then going through the hallway towards customs took even longer. I think there was another double decker that had arrived. And THEN, baggage claim was busy and I couldn't find my suitcase. Eventually, I found it on the floor next to the carousel so I figure someone must have taken it off thinking it was theirs and then didn't bother putting it back. My friend lost a luggage too, and had to fill in a form and everything but then hours later his parents got a phone call about his luggage being found by this man who took it thinking it was his daughter's suitcase. 

Anyway, in event of this all, here I am, three hours later, waiting for the next bus in an hour and a half. We've missed our shuttle to Ottawa because of the luggage search and the second bus wouldn't take us on. I hope this one has space!

2am (Toronto time)
I've finally made it to Ottawa. I'm crashing at a friend's sofa for the night because she lives near the airport. I guess that is better than sleeping at the airport. That was my original plan because I was afraid of sleeping sleeping and then not waking up and missing my flight to Toronto in the morning since I know I'm going to be so tired. Anyway I am so weary of being held at connection points. I'm going to bed! Ciao!

Oh, and in lieu of going home, here's a list of things I want to do...
1. get a massage for my feet or something
2. pack luggage for australia
3. pack my house to move out
4. distribute presents

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