Friday, July 29, 2011

07.28.2011 LAX > YYZ

Home time! In the beginning, I thought this day would never come, or at least it wasn't soon enough. I've been feeling so worn from travelling I was starting to miss home. But now, that I'm actually leaving, there's still so much to see and do in LA! Wait! I'm not done yet!

I grabbed a bunch of people for farewell lunch. We were supposed to go to Soup Plantation, but we were running out of time, so we just went to this Japanese restaurant at the foot of the mountain. 

1. signs of leaving,                                              2. saying goodbyes                                                                         3. on a plane!

1. Finally, on home turf. 2. I can't help it. (so much luggage, again)

And in the end, just as Dorothy would say, "There's no place like home!"

Home safe!

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