Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12.13.2011 Another walk in the park

treasure! arr!
I got lost and came across another playground today. Getting lost seems to happen often, but the upside is that it's only in this way I come across neat stuff like this. However, no playground so far has been as exciting to learn about as the one in the last post.

The date on this post is a bit of a lie, but I'll get over it.

I don't know what this tower is for.

Let sleeping lions lie

tall slides ftw. Where is the fun in a short slide?

bridges, spiraly stairs..

The kiddy section is boring in comparison.

I know, it's a pile of logs, but I think it's for play, on purpose..

This is some water thing that you can pump and it will trickle down the wheel and you can flood your enemies.

This is at the top of the hill. I don't know what it's for, because you can't seem to go inside.

All the buildings in Berlin are different colours. Prefab is not the standard.

studios across the street from the office

I want one on the inside of my house. 

Maybe the gardener forgot his tools, or this is for kids to play

Can you see this? A giant net of string? For catching little children flying to fast across the playground.

somewhere on a street along the way to work

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