Wednesday, December 28, 2011

12.28.2011 Museum für Naturkunde

Natural history museums are always really cool. The Museum für Naturkunde has an extensive heap of -ological items and everything is wonderfully categorized, labelled, organized, stuffed, and sometimes interactive.  They even have the world's tallest dinosaur skeleton! 

learning new things

pretty tall huh. He's also vegetarian!

1. getting a better view,                                                                                     2. toggling between dinosaurs and info

Nature's fingerprint. Really cool right

1. it's real!                                                                   2. if I died and got stuck to a rock, would I be immortalized like this?

This was an interesting exhibit about the evolution of humans. It also made me think of my contextual nature of products class. From knowing to use and make tools, then using our teeth, then learning about fire, and then burial, how did we figure it out? 

Skulls of people from different geological regions within this century. (not very variable)

Venus von Willendorf!! Outside of my textbook! For real!

What is a natural history museum without stuffed animals?

An entire glass room full of shelves going to the ceiling filled with preserved reptiles and fish. It was gross and fascinating at the same time.

1. eels?                                                                                                          2. "hello"

A hallway of giant bugs. It reminded me of  "Honey I Shrunk the Kids". Not really a fan of bugs and larvae, I waited at the other end of the hallway for my friend. 

Bug collector's dream

being all designery

This was neat. We followed the crowd of kids and joined in on the fun. This is a skeleton of a reptile and you have to stick his outer skin pieces on in the right order, (and in the right place). One side is bone structure, and the other side is muscle. There are magnets that hold the heavy moulded parts in place. As I kept trying to put the head on, another kid would take it off to use it as a machine gun. 

1. muscle side,                                                               2. kid with both head pieces on his head

What animal am I?

hungry hungry 

A sample of the entire museum's collection, framed

hanging ear pieces to go with the glowing boxes

Birds of a feather, flock together

This is 75% of the minerals of the ENTIRE world. Just sayin.

This makes me reminisce the days I was an avid schoolyard rock collector and my mother would get so frustrated when she heard the tinkle of rocks rolling in her washing machine.

Sure look tiny don't I

Then we went to make our own RitterSport chocolate, but the line was too long for us to bother. Although here, you can pick dark or milk chocolate, and then pick what you want inside, like gummi worms, or nuts, or both! And then they will make and package it for you in 30 minutes. 

Modular, the magnificent materials store. I took my friend here and it blew his socks off.

Dinner at Schneeweiss, aka snow white where everything is white themed. (minus your meal) The food is apparently part Austrian, part "alpine", and part german. 

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