Saturday, January 21, 2012

01.21.2012 Books, not fashion

Today is the last day of Bread and Butter, Berlin's fashion week. Somehow, due to the trip to Cologne, I am living one day behind, and so I thought I had two days left of fashion week to check out when I really only had one. Well, I wasn't going to let fashion week disappear right by without at least checking out the temporary exhibitions or parties and showrooms so I headed out early to four places, and I couldn't locate any of them. Actually, the two that I did find, were already closing up shop. The lady, upon seeing me said, "I'm sorry, we finished last night, it was a great party, you can check out the pictures online." And scooted me out. The other one looked like they were packing too so I didn't bother. 

And then I stumbled upon a wonderful place: pro QM. A humble sized book shop that has a super interesting selection of books comparable to the other book shop I briefly mentioned before (Do You Read Me?). I spent two hours sitting there just reading. If only I found it earlier, we should have stopped here instead of there that one time in December.
1. found this lightly tattooed to the sidewalk                                                            2. crossed out

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