Tuesday, February 7, 2012

02.07.2012 Exhibition: Art for the Right to a Good Life

Today, my coworker and I spent our lunch break visiting this exhibition I heard about on the BBC. It was just around the corner, and we are always looking for avenues that work with sustainable methods. 

What does it mean to live a good life? Artists from all over the world have been invited to reflect on this subject within their various communities and, from the 7th to the 24th of February, the SurVivArt exhibition in Berlin will be showcasing the results. The variety and range of artistic responses is testimony to the fact that there is no one definition; it can mean different things for different people in different places. But the message behind every one of the projects, from Ethiopia to Cambodia, is that sustainability and social equality have a direct impact on the wellbeing of individuals and communities. 

Climate + - , jerrycans in Ethiopia

reflection of a home, Cambodia

To live, or to live a good life, Thailand. A reflection on consumption and a survey visitors fill that look like this.

"So let me ask you this: "How happy are you? Are you living a good life? What would really make your life better?" This is what we should care about. This is what we should talk about with our friends, families and people around the world. And most importantly we should ask ourselves "Am I happy What does my happiness depend on? How much do I need to eat or spend to have a good life?"

Exhibition spread through two galleries

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