Tuesday, March 6, 2012

03.06.2012 My new nine-to-five (Really 10a-8p)

Today was my first day of work. (again! surprise!) Yesterday was my last day with HettlerTullmann, and today is my first day at PCH Berlin Los Angeles. I have been keeping quiet because I was hoping to get the papers and everything completed before broadcasting any exciting news in case I jinx it. But since I've already made the switch over, there's no harm in making a public service announcement about it.
In the room where I sit, there are six tables that face each other (each comes with a potential friend to hang out with!). Everyone uses a Mac except for me, and there is a medium sized dog under the last table. Post-its are all over the walls with maps and pictures and notes. There is also an in house artist who works in a fishbowl room next to ours and thankfully, everyone speaks english. Also, interesting tidbit, do you remember the really cool skull I saw at the GRAFT architects exhibition? I noticed the skulls were also in the studio, and as I pointed it out, it turned out that not only are the companies buddies, but they share a current project and had bought these skulls whilst travelling in Mexico. 

I can't tell you what I'm doing, but I can tell you that I will be much more busy as the work hours are longer and less loose, and the projects are bigger. As a timid first day-er, I was pushed into a welcome onboard information package that has taken me all day to read and I have still not even fully processed it. Inside, it contains everything I know nothing about, so it is quite daunting and motivating at the same time. I realize that may not even make sense but I don't know how else to describe it other than the fact that it really is exciting to be there. 

So, I think this is nearing the end of my weekday urban exploration adventures, and maybe the beginning of new friends.

ciao, xx

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