Thursday, March 29, 2012

Studio Tour

At the place I work at, there are three companies sharing the space. Triggerhappy and VCCP, both dabbling in media of sorts, a cool crowd nonetheless. My morning routine is wake up, run to the bus (or ride my bike), walk into the building, say hi to the receptionist on my right, grab a jug and a glass, get water, say "morgen" to people in the kitchen, and head then head up the stairs into our office and start my work day.

Usually by the time I get in, everyone else is already there. I think that's why I always feel like I'm late, even though I'm not. The receptionist lady even asked me why I always seem to be in a haste to get water first thing in the morning...!

boogie, woogie
We have a dog in our studio. The dog is new and belongs to a coworker. His name is "Boogie" but everyone calls him Dixie, or Doggie, or Dickens, and he still responds. He's a little old, and when he farts, we have to ventilate the entire studio because it smells like rotten eggs. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, nobody can focus on their work!

Our building used to be a "kita" I think that is German abbreviation of a kindergarten or a daycare. The stairwell has two railings, one super short railing for little ones, and one at regular height. We also have a nice backyard and each office has a balcony so when the weather is nice, you could technically work outside. The other day the other company had a barbeque and at that point, everyone's work focused brain followed their noses and could only think of food. 

We have a fully functioning kitchen and an amazing (and not environmentally friendly) coffeemachine, and a microwave! Think of all the instant food possibilities! 

On Mondays there is breakfast, which consists of carrots, oranges, apples, and bananas, and on Friday, there is a market down the street. It's a bit pricey (apparently someone bought two tomatoes for two Euros) but it's nice to walk through when the weather is good.                                                                    

shared meeting room

On a good Friday, we played roundabout pingpong.. Woohoo making friends!


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