Saturday, June 23, 2012

06.23.2012 Arrival Teddy

Guess who arrived by airmail today!! I don't have a picture of the actual mystery guest, but he walks through those gates and holds the camera for the next ten days. Anyway, this is just a preamble post for the following (much more exciting) posts, nothing particularly profound happened but I still have a story to share..!

lavanderia vecchia
Tried to go for dinner at an Italian "laundry place" super cute, but reservations and set menu only : (

Canadian represent!
Canadian pizza! I also wonder what that means. Apparently it means thin crust, and really good sweet potato goat cheese pizza with maple syrup chilli sauce. 

1. Small underground space,                                                             2. One pizza or two? okay maybe three..

I asked the guy making the pizzas if he was Ron Telesky, and he said, "No, that's Ron," and pointed to the giant stuffed moose head protruding from the brick wall. And I was like oh, and then I asked him if he was Canadian, and he said no! A little bit disappointed, I took my pizza and sat back down. He tried to make up for the let down by telling me that he used to work in Peterborough at this pizza place that made ridiculously thin crusted pizza the way he was making it here in Berlin. And so this pizza was from there, hence, Canadian pizza. At least the pizza was yummy and it doesn't give us a bad name. And why the name "Ron Telesky?" Who knows, he made that one up as well. Apparently he had found the giant moosehead on ebay one day, (and bought it) and from that moment, it was Ron Telesky and the great Canadian pizza parlour. There's even a canoe outside! 

The movie theatre . Went to see Moonrise Kingdom!
This was the first time going to the movies. The Berlinale's Rent-a-neko doesn't count. I was originally going to watch it with a co-worker, because he says he really likes Bill Murray, and probably Wes Anderson as well, but when I asked, "Hey, so do you want to catch Moonrise Kingdom this week?" he said, "Oh! Yes! Where/how?"  and I continued, "In the theatres, it just came out.." and then he said, "Oh, I hate going to the cinema!" And so that was it lol. 

A few things to note about movie theatres here:
1. Popcorn is sweet, not salty. 
2. Seats are selected and reserved (like in HK).
3. Nobody goes to the English cinema except for tourists and expats.
4. It's really clean! (probably because nobody comes here)

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