Saturday, February 16, 2013

02.16.2013 Toronto to Uganda

snowed in *photocred: alyssa W
My travel itinerary is was Ottawa, Toronto, Amsterdam, Entebbe. Actually, I should be writing from Uganda at the moment, but I am still in the Netherlands because we missed our connecting six hours.

I flew out from Ottawa this morning, quickly and painlessly. And then, when we got to Toronto, we grabbed a celebration-we're-on-our-way beer at the pub, and boarded our flight to the Netherlands. Once we all got seated that was it. We buckled up, listened to the emergency instructions, and then proceeded to sit for seven more hours, buckled in, without food (because apparently, you need to be in flight to be eating airplane food) With the snow outside, the plane needed de-icing, so we got into the de-icing line until an announcement came on about having to escort two (too) drunk passengers off the plane. They were inebriated enough before lift-off that security had to come onto the plane and take them out, and coincidentally, they weren't even friends! So we left our spot in the de-icing lane and went back to the boarding gate. Not long after getting back into the de-icing lane a second time, the pilot announced apologetically that we also had to unload their luggage. And then after that, was a snowstorm! You could feel the plane moving forwards and backwards trying to un-stick itself from the snow. Seven hours later, the storm wanes and we make it through the de-icing lane for a six hour flight to the Netherlands. My friend had slept the instant we got onto the plane, and awoke, still in Toronto. Oh, Canada.

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