Sunday, December 18, 2011

12.18.2011 Amsterdam city

Amsterdam Central (Station)
Efteling for one day and Amsterdam the other. That was the plan, but actually, I had so much fun at Efteling, I wouldn't have minded not leaving to Amsterdam so soon. Nonetheless, once we got into the city, I wanted to shout "I'M SO EXCITED!!" at my friend, but I didn't. I kept it inside but I'm sure it was bursting out of my eyes. I'm trying to tone down the crazy in public.

move over, raccoon face.
My goal for this quick stop in Amsterdam was to get a picture with this sign so we went here first. I was surprised that it was not possible to take this picture from a 'front view'. Not only because there were heaps of tourists all over the sign, but there was also a skating rink with kids throwing snowballs at people outside the rink, and maybe even a tree or two. I must have been imagining this place wrong the entire time. We also walked around the surrounding area which was filled with parks, museums, and speedy bikers. Although my Dutch friend may not agree, I still think the playgrounds in Berlin are better, minus the musical floor and the horse (see below). 

1. Tiles that play a musical note when you jump on them.                                  2. rocking horse!

Museums I cannot enter. (because we didn't have enough time) It makes me sad to only be able to take pictures from the outside and not go inside!

In defence of not being able to catch a clear front view image of the landmark sign, I settled for a back view instead.

Celebrating the Treaty of Münster with twenty five militiamen 

Giant chess!

We stopped at a mini Christmas market. There wasn't much compared to the Christmas markets back in Berlin, but here you can see that the Dutch sure enjoy their cheese.

FEBO! This grab-your-food-yourself-from-the-wall is apparently quite popular, and pretty fun! Except in my eagerness to open one of these things to grab food, I opened the wrong door. "Wait!" he told me, camera in the other hand, but it was too late. Luckily it turned out to be vegetarian! 

1. you can get an entire hamburger!                        2. rows of mini ovens,                          3. grabbing food from the wall

A fried cheese thing, and something else

1. Clogs, why don't people wear them today?                                                               2. doubles

"This is sooo cool," he breathed, "You're here all the way from Berlin and sending me off to work!"
We had a quick rendezvous with another friend of ours in Amsterdam. This picture didn't turn out too well, but it's the only one I had so I couldn't post without it. We did a quick mini tour through the streets as we headed towards his train. I think the last time we saw each other was three years ago! 

Private working bubbles in the library
Our last stop was the public library. I know it sounds lame, but I happen to think libraries are cool, and this isn't your normal everyday public library. It is actually so nice it's existence doesn't make any sense. It's too bad most of my photos came out fuzzy and I was getting tired so I can prove to you how stupendous the place was. Everything is white and clean and REALLY NICE. My friend says that this is normal, but I don't believe him. You wouldn't either.

Satellite exhibition on graphic design for a graphic design museum in Breda about the breadth of graphic design throughout history. (that's three GD's in one sentence)

The children's section (aka the best section) Has lots of neat stuff to lure kids into thinking that reading is fun.

Heading back to Berlin

This is the lounge area in the airport. Pretty cool isn't it. You could totally lie down under a tree and miss your flight. Also, the log is actually carpeted!

I had a really great weekend. This one goes down in the books, or at least until the next time I visit The Netherlands, if I do. There is still plenty to see and it was refreshing to hang out with a good friend. It might also have to do with seeming to be able to understand everything because it felt English friendly. Perhaps it was the good company, or maybe it is the different culture of Berlin. Nevertheless, I also know you will read this one day, so, thank you!


  1. That lounge area was at Schiphol? Must try transavia more often then. Heaps of cool stuff yes. But I wonder how the experience would be if you went there on your own. Might be just as great, there's cool stuff around every corner.

    And the's true...It's normal.

    The fun thing is that you did not mention any redlight district and coffee shops in your entire blog and still had a great time! That just proves the Dutch are not all about drugs and prostitution and that you can have fun without them. That...or you're just easily entertained.

    Well, you know what they say "een kinderhand is gauw gevuld"

  2. I did write about it, but I took it out. I felt it was a bit crass and I did not want to publicly share it because although it was my opinion, it was not entirely the picture I wanted to paint.

  3. Hey, also, did you not notice anything peculiar a particular important photo taken for me?

  4. How it was somehow...manipulated :) Nice photoshopping :)

  5. I don't understand this phrase, "een kinderhand is gauw gevuld" A child's hand is soon filled? Did I translate this wrong?
