Monday, January 30, 2012

01.30.2012 know the ropes

blink and you'll miss it
I realize I haven't seen any interesting playgrounds lately. Maybe it's because I haven't been wandering around as much, but today I walked by this and doubled back when I caught it in the corner of my eye. It was hidden in the courtyard of these apartments at Kotbusser Tor... The one place I have consistently gotten lost at every time I step out of that station, yet I still keep going back..

a slide, a swing. 

1. "The spacenet inventors" ,                                                                           2. pretty sturdy!

I didn't try this. Wasn't sure I wanted to. It makes me think of underwear. 


It's a pretty easy climb to the top. I can see lots of kids clambering up this thing and losing their shoes through the nets. At the top of the net, you can enter a little pocket that lies under the top layer. You could probably fit a good pile of children in there too. The best part of this thing is that it is like being on a giant hammock. It would be nice to camp out up there on a warm summer night and go stargazing or eating bread and cheese. Perhaps this will be my new (not-so-secret) spot! 


  1. i can imagine a kid going down that slide and having one leg stick out. it gets caught in the ropes and locks his leg. a larger kid then decides to go down the slide and bumps into the smaller kid. The consequence is a leg snapped in half!

    1. hahaha your excessive caution for children's safety is always amusing. Let them live a little. I like peg-legs.
