Saturday, July 18, 2009

07.18.2009 FGS

8:07pm Kaoshiung
I have arrived! Well in technicality I arrived yesterday, but today is my one full day at FGS. I woke up at 3am today because I slept so early. Morning chanting is at 5:50am and I left the place at 5:45. My sis told me not to be late because they were videotaping today... oops. After breakfast I went back and slept more. Well I was reading Scientific American Mind, and then fell asleep after. I think it's the bed.

I went to the Sutra calligraphy Hall today too. I like it there a lot because it's very serene. The little boy in the picture was orginally sitting at the back and then decided to sit in the very first row because he had never done that before. I laughed at him and then realized that I hadn't either so I decided to join him as well.

The Calligraphy hall now has more than just Sutras for you to copy. There was a selection of 1-12 quotes covering various themes that you could take. When finished, you roll them up and hold it together with a bubbletea straw so you dont wrinkle it when taking it home. The nun helped me with storing it because I wanted to roll all three in one straw, but she split it up instead. She also said I had really nice writing. (yay!) I never understand why one would compliment another's transcription since it's just being copied. The calligraphy is not really my own work. Anyway she also stamped my quotes. Which I wish I could have stopped, but oh well.

I thought the car was cute. So I'm sharing.

I went to visit the local convenience store at the bottom of the mountain. They had milk in juiceboxes with these baseball players. I don't watch baseball, but if I did, and if they were famous I'd actually think these were valuable.

I didn't take any more photos after. I had lunch with my sister and another friend from home and then toured around the the art gallery and such. I also went shopping in the nicely air conditioned wi-fi place. (I don't remmeber it's name) I have a new addition to my figurine collection!

Oh, and today, I saw a girl with a shirt that said: Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend!! If I saw it on the street I would buy one! Also, I couldn't take a picture of her without being creepy.


  1. ughh soo cool, what are the caligraphy for? do you get to keep it? do you really need 3 for yourself?! hahaha kidding!

  2. your calligraphy IS nice!!
