Sunday, July 19, 2009

07.19.2009 return to Taipei

9:17 pm Taipei
I took a 6.5 hour bus back to Taipei. That's 6.5 hours of pure boredom and children making stupid noises when they are not sleeping. I went to my sister's office this morning to bother her, and then we set off to lunch and pack my bags. I don't know if I mentioned the giant bug I found in my room yesterday about the length of my pinky finger that ran under my bed after I failed to get it out my door. Anyway we found the bug today. It's probably a cockroach and it looked bigger than my pinky today. The funny thing was that we were taking off my bedsheets when my sister found the bug. I think it fell right out from the sheets. She yelled and I immediately dropped the bedding in my hands and MiaoDi laughed and tried to chase it away. It's gross to think/know that it was probably in my sheets while I SLEPT AT NIGHT. : (

There was absolutely nothing exciting about my bus ride back to Taipei and that took up my entire day, so this entry is going to be short.

"Take a picture," she said. "Of what, the hole?" I asked. Silence... maybe she nodded but I didn't see. And then 'click', "Okay, done."

(One of the?) main gate entrance to the temple

proof that I was here and they were there and we reunited.

Although I mentioned the typoon coming I forgot to note that it never did come to Kaoshiung. It just blew over. Instead, we got two days of breezy weather and then afterwards, it returned to its uncomfortably high levels of humidity.

When I got back I went to PuMen temple to visit an Auntie. We went looking for the new lemon flavoured malt drink but the store was closed. Maybe tomorrow. I really hope I find it. But you know what I did find that is super awesome? An Arnold Palmer store! Hopefully I can check it out before I leave.

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