Monday, July 20, 2009

07.20.2009 Taipei City

10:30 pm Taipei City
Jack took me out this morning and bought me "Taiwanese specialty" breakfast. I ate it before taking a picture. sorry! It was like an egg omlette with something fried and something chewy. I wasn't really sure what I was eating, but it tasted alright.

We went to my favourite place in Taipei. The giant bookstore! Eslite is sooo cool. There are 6 floors and only two and a half floors are books and magazines. Another two floors are clothes and designer items and boutiques and the final two are food. When we arrived at eslite they hadn't opened yet and we didn't want to look like we were super eager to enter the building.. So we idly walked around the front of the building for a minute before actually enternig the place.

Comme des garcons!
There were a lot of stuff I couldn't afford, and some really good design books. But I really don't want to carry them through Japan and then back to Toronto so I'm leaving the work for Amazon to figure out. Not only that but some of the stuff there, although cool, is totally overpriced because just the other day I bought the exact same thing for about 100NT less. The only disappointment was the missing Beard Papa vendor and the amount of Jimmy Liao paraphernalia missing.

New York New York Plaza
Afterwards we went to this place called NewYork NewYork. It's another kind of "mall". Nothing really special about it except for a giant liberty statue and Muji which I was really excited for (although it's Japan based, I'm still excited for it no matter what country it's in) and Toys 'r' us. Because... look what we found there:

Power rangers!! (merged)
It's a bit blurry, but how old school is that! And it's huge. The box is more than 30cm tall.

Taipei 101
Then we walked across the street to Taipei 101. Once again nothing too special except brand names and prices that make your eyeballs fall out of their sockets even at 50% off.

something I ate...
I ate this donut shaped thing. I saw it everywhere on the streets when I was just wandering about. Jack and I decided to try one and it's not bad! It's chewy and underneath the strawberry icing is a bready dough. I guess this is a donut to asian people.

Georg Jensen store
There was a Georg Jensen store (above) at 101 and I was excited to check it out. The stuff was, ofcourse, out of my price range but I wanted to take pictures lol. Unfortunately the store staff followed me about so I obviously couldn't. There was a wall with his cutlery stabing through it and I thought it was fun. If only I was baller enough to buy a set of Georg Jensen forks and knives to stick them through a canvas...

Car elevator
We went out for dinner with Jack's highschool friend and then after that they drove me back to my place. At the underground parking lot, he had to back up his car into an ELEVATOR (!) and then roll down his window to push the button of the level he wished to go to in order to exit. I was really amazed because I have never sat in a car elevator before. I snapped a picture like a true non-taiwanese person and enjoyed my ride up to ground floor. (nothing really happens, it's like going into a mini garage that transports you). Apparently this is how they save space (but not time).

Home at last. This is a bit of the stuff I got. The scarf if the same one the girl in Jimmy Liao's book wears!!! (I know, what a loser) It's the last one too, and they said that they are not going to make any more, so I feel pretty special about it. And then I got something from Arnold Palmer. I love love Arnold Palmer and hate hate that you can't get him in North America. Anyway Jack suckered me into buying what I bought because I was super hesitant since it was rather expensive.. . And last but not least, Muji gave me my stuff in a lunch bag and I thought it was kind of cute.

All in all we went shopping from 10am to 7pm!