Thursday, July 30, 2009

07.30.2009 Kyoto

I am currently in Kyoto, I'll be staying here for two nights and then moving along towards Osaka.
I've also uploaded most of the videos I wasn't able to upload when I was living in Shinjuku. So, go back if you're interested!

Famous soft ice cream by Mt Fuji. You order and pay by machine first.

2. Edamame! 3. Large parking spot for bus

On the way to dinner, we passed by this temple and took a group photo. Dinner was pretty good. It was like hot pot and iced soba. The tofu boiled in the hot pot is supposed to be special in some way. This is the probably the best outside vegetarian food I'll ever get in Japan!

1. Dinner 2. Joy 3. Ice cream spork

We got to wander the streets of Gion to search for Geisha. We couldn't find any. Either that or we did, but didn't know they were geisha because they looked old...

Gion is located by a river called Duck river. There are restaurants lined up all along the river (and ducks in the river). When we drove by the other day, you can see couples sitting by the river. The strange thing was that they all sat at a uniform distance away from each other.

1. Baskin Robbins mascot. Does he exist in Canada? 2. Fish! with a heart! do you see?

Dumplings. And a really popular dumpling store in Japan

Recycle bins and snack food barcodes

I'm staying here

My room, Holiday Inn's attempt to be asian, and look! A bible AND a book on the Buddha

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