Saturday, August 1, 2009

08.01.2009 Todai-ji, Osaka

Today we had four people come by to wake us up. Then we sent off our luggage to the bus because it's going to take it to our next hotel while we stay at Osaka temple for one night. Our first stop was Nara Park.

Nara Park is full of deer. I'm not sure why. We were given these cookies to feed the deer today, and the instant they know you have cookies, they will come at you. The deers with ram into you with their antlers and the doe will nibble on your shirt. And if not, they will just follow you like sheep until you feed them.

1. entrance to Todai-ji 2. Door guardians. They look like posters

At Todai-ji, there is a hole in one of the pillars and you have to crawl through it. Originally, the hole was built because the emperor had a dream that to told him to make a hole in the wood and whoever could pass through it meant that they would be a good man to the emperor. So the emperor woke and made this hole and (I guess) asked all his men to pass through it. Now, people just try to get through it for fun.

As we were leaving Todai-ji, we went to have lunch. But there was a storm coming and we got soaked as we tried to outrun it. Todai-ji is one of the largest wooden structures in the world. Not only that but this is the third time it's been rebuilt (due to fire) and it is 33% smaller than the original. Inside, is a giant Sakyamuni Buddha. Anyone who has studied Buddhism in Japan, or Asia will know about Todai-ji.

1. It started to rain heavily 2. Everyone at lunch 3. Lunch! 4.Due to the storm, the power went out!

Lastly, before heading to Osaka fgs, we went to Osaka Castle. There wasn't anything much except those structures where you stick your face in and take a picture. They aren't on my camera so I can't share yet. Nonetheless we got to sit on a mini train to the castle from the parking lot and we found a time capsule.

This capsule was built in 1971 for EXPO '70. There are two more that are built and buried 15 meters underneath this monument. The two capsules are for the people living 5000 years from then so that cultural assets of the 20th century will be known to the world. It was also requested that the upper capsule should be opened at the beginning of every century and the lower one untouched until 6970.

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