Sunday, August 2, 2009

08.02.2009 Universal Studios, Osaka

We went to universal studios today!

On our way there we were being entertained by two guys in our group. I think it was unpleasant for the Japanese because at the next stop she got off.

The Universal Studios in Japan has the same stuff that the Universal Studios in L.A. does, minus the Hello Kitty. Anyway we planned our trip around the studios and went on everything. In the land of Oz, they even had a short show of the broadway Wicked! I was really excited for that until I found out it was in Japanese. The opening scene was really good though. I can’t wait to watch the whole thing. At night there is a Starlight Parade, which are these giant lit up movie characters parading down the street -and some dancers too. It was actually pretty good. Okay well there isn’t much to tell about Universal Studios so I’m just going to show you my fun and excitement in photos.

So, at Universal Studios, Japan, you can find...

1. My posse. 2. Charlie brown welcoming me to Universal Studios and vice versa.

3. Psych help 4. water rides (Jurassic park)

5. 3D glasses (Spiderman) 6. The land of OZ (Wicked is at the back)

and 7. A Magical Starlight Parade!

We stayed at Universal Studios Hotel and the amenities were all woody woodpecker. I opened up the cute sponges to use and they were really good. Like surprisingly amazing to use! Around the hotel were a bunch of shops and the Walk. Takkoyaki, which is apparently an octopus, is very popular in Osaka.

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