Wednesday, August 5, 2009

08.05.2009 Osaka Aquarium

been a little sick. so i've been resting. plus my laptop won't connect to the internet here.
hence the lack of posts. I just posted empty ones to keep the chronological order right! be back soon!

ok. I'm back to fill in the gaps. Today all we did was go to the Aquarium as I requested before I left for Japan. So this one is also self -explanatory. All I can say is.. FISH! (bear with me)


sea otter (Pocahontas's friends)

see the resemblance?

turtle debating about a dip

Iguana sun tanning

does this boggle you? It's a reflection

crocodile tears.. or is it an alligator?

baby penguin!

can you spot the fish?

can you spot maruko-chan?

this fish has a big forebrain

whale shark

*glup glup

fish are friends

Whale shark following. Lazy fish following a current I think.

more fish drawings


fish: "what are you doing?" scubadiver: "leave me alone!"

spidercrab. how gross

*blup blup

Look! all their mouths are open! (*aahhh) They are cleaning/filtering the water.



this one looks like "shoot yee" (fungus)

size matters

goat-mole. (?!)

penguin being friendly

After the aquarium I was tired because I was still very sick-ish so we went home. But for dinner, we went for all-you-can-eat DESSERT! I know, what a bad idea if you are sick because all the sugar would lead to phlegm, but who could pass an opportunity like such? I ate a plate of cakes and then three plates of fruit to compensate. Needless to say, I felt much better the next day!

After dinner we walked off the fat. We walked super far and we were sweating buckets by then. But I got to see Wing's favourite place in the city! I didn't take a picture because it was too dark, but it is basically a bridge over a lake at an intersection (with lots of mosquitos). As busy as it sounds, it can also be oddly serene. Anyway, as we walked I discovered the Ginza equivalent in Osaka. So here's my return for my lack of nighttime photos of arcitectually cool Ginza: a single photo of Dior. haha

Hello kitty rocks! (according to hard rock cafe)

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