Monday, August 10, 2009

08.10.2009 Odaiba

I saw him.

Today, I went to find the Gundam. Well not really find, because I already knew where he was...but anyway, I was expecting him to be ginormously monumental, and he wasn't. I guess 30m tall is nothing compared to an office building in Japan. There's usually a lineup to go and touch his feet, but the weather today was really awful (a typhoon is coming) so it was closed. The sucky weather also helped ruin my shoes because the Gundam was built in the middle of a park where the pavement ends and only soil and mud begins.

I also realized today that I slowly gave up taking pictures of potentially fun things because there is no one to help me take the picture, and when the rare opportunity comes that I hand over my camera to a stranger (about a 5 minute wait), they either have the view/composition wrong, or I'm too embarrassed to be silly for the photo.

Today is typhoon weather. Perfect for an outdoors trip. : (

This is Odaiba

Due to inclement weather I stayed indoors for as long as possible to evade the torrential downpour. On the 3rd floor of this shopping mall, they have these games to test your strength, skill, and brains? Japanese games are really entertaining!

The boy here is supposed to pick up balls with his vaccuum and catch falling balls with his basket (on his back). He's competing against his brother (He's cut off, but he's there) and the one with the most balls collected (in the basket?) wins.

This was another game. It looked really fun. I wouldn't mind doing it for food fair in the summer lol.

You can even eat a monster burger! too bad they didn't have a vegetarian one...

Mini Hong Kong. It even smelled like Hong Kong

Fuji Television building

Look who I found!!! (the rain stopped)

DragonQuest is a really big deal in Japan for some reason. This was some sort of expo...

Meji Chocolate gate. It's plastic.

Fuji TV watermelon surprise

These girls were singing/performing at Fuji TV. I don't know them, so I have no idea if they are even mildly famous.

Even back then they played PSP

A shonen jump! shop!

The latest adidas stripe collection shoe. theres a watch on the front I think. Or a timer? I wasn't sure what it was

A Naruto exhibit. There was a guy doing a kage-bunshin in front of it. (too-eee!) I would too but there is no one to take my picture for me.

There was a naruto game too...

I found a rabbit in the mall...

There was a playstation exhibit and I tried their latest? best? game. (not dragonQuest or monster hunter, but this one) I don't really get it. All I did was catch butterflies... But you get to take a picture and then they instantly print it as a postcard for you! free!


  1. sorry I couldn't be there as the photographer...

  2. haha that's okay. There will just be more pictures of things and less pictures of me. lol

  3. Hahaha, you also went to the Naruto 10 years anniversary thing. That game was awsome!

    We did that the game with one mega blow and we asked

    "Do we get a prize now?"

    He went like


    "But are NINJA!"

    Cracked me up. We got the pics on Facebook with the other things we could do there. Like pose as Naruto characters. Classic!
