Friday, August 14, 2009

08.14.2009 Masanari Murai

Today I went somewhere super special - The Masanari Murai Memorial Museum of Art. Usually the place only allows visitors who book two weeks in advance, but someone called for me yesterday and the lady on the other line said that she would let me in today.

Masanari Murai began by studying landscape painting in France. However he quickly became influenced by modern artists and fell in love with abstract art. He also seems to love the colour black. If you look at his stuff, you can see that his works have been simplified into giant (yet free) geometical shapes and lines of colour.

The Masanari Murai Memorial Museum of Art is actually his home and his studio. Inside I got to see not only his large canvasses of work and sculptures, but his favourite things and collections. He has a beautiful dali sculpture and a beautiful collection of antiques -furniture, sculptures, cameras, etc. His home was a treasure trove of both his works and his collections. Somehow, in this manner I really got to see the artist and appreciate and understand him better. His work and process was interesting. I went through a book of his life works and was able to see his first landscape painting and then instant passion for abstract art. Not only that but he would take an interest in a specific subject in abstract form (for example, 人) and then obsess over it through 10 or so pieces and then move onto a new idea. Ofcourse, this spans over many years and although the subject matter may be the same, the expression is different each time. Not only that but making his work makes me smile, and sometimes even laugh. There is a subtle note of humour in some of his work when you understand it, and that's what makes me love the artist (as well as modern/abstract art) even more.

Oh aaaand, the house, the architect is Kengo Kuma!

Alright enough babbling, but I hope you can "ti huei" (understand) what it was like when I went to the museum.

Me, on my way to the museum, lost, as usual.



1. entrance to his studio 2. behind his studio

this is his studio space!

his antique collections mixed with his work, and the dali sculpture!

his work table? and his collection of ceramic pots. (he has a lot)

interior - entrance

look at the number of insets! but it looks good.


proof that I was here.

I went to Shibuya after. There's not much to see, but a lot to shop at so I don't have many pictures. but...

the bathing ape store! there is a conveyer belt of shoes at the entrance when you go in.

I went to visit Dorami

comme des garcon shoes.

this makes me laugh!

I have a roomate now. and she said: "Let's go to bed at 11!" ...okay.. so I have to go! bye!

mosquito count: +1 =11

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