Saturday, August 15, 2009

08.15.2009 Kabuki-za Theatre

I went to see a Kabuki today!! It was really great. The colours and set and staging were cool. It's not like a Chinese play where there are tons of props and lots of action. Japanese kabuki is limited? Actions are restrained to an arms length of movement and there's no jumping and leaping about. Anyway I watched a story about a woman who was in love with five men and one man played all five men in the show. Well, everyone in kabuki is male, even the female characters and shamisen players and singers.

I have to pack because my roomate left but I will have a new roomate tomorrow night so, pictures!

Photos are probibited. This was the best I could get. On the left are three singers and three shamisen players. In the back are five singers, five shamisen players, and a drummer, a flute player, and something else. In the front are actors.

Kabuki-za Theatre. The sign says this is the farewell show before renovations begin.

The one section show ticket.

After the show we headed back for home. We ran to catch a ready-to-leave subway car and I got stuck in the door. My friend tried to pull me in and all I could think of was "Oh my god, the door is not even trying to reopen for me to get in." You would think that doors like these would have a safety mechanism to prevent people from being stuck in a door. (like an elevator). I think the doors gave me an inch of space in one second and I got through but then my bag got stuck. I also think everyone in the car was watching. The embarassing thing was that it wasn't even a full cart or high traffic hour so there's really no excuse to be stuck in a door unless you're stupid. Anyway so I was stuck to the door because of my bag for a bit but I somehow got it out. (probably the 1 second of an inch of space). It wasn't funny when I was trying to fully get onto the car and my friend was pulling me, but I don't think we could stop laughing after we got on alright.

I went browsing around myself around Ikebukuro while my friend went back first. I came across another PlayStation promotion in a Toyota gallery for the same boy-catching-butterflies game.

Trumpet playing robot

As you can see this is supposed to be for kids.

The game was to find five characters, one located on each floor and fill in the blanks. Once you complete it you can come here and turn the lottery thing (red) and if you get a winning marble then you win a prize. I turned the thing and got a pink marble. The girl picked up a bell and rang it to indicate I won! I got a foam doraemon airplane hehe. And not everyone wins because the lady in front of me didn't.

Look what I got! I can't get myself to open the box.

My TokyoFGS souvenir.

P.S. I went over my post yesterday and I realize I took more photos of the architecture of his house rather than his works. Oops.

Mosquito bite count: 13


  1. when you mean the lady in front of you didn't win, did you mean little girl? haha

  2. har har no! and who areyou referring to? the lady in blue works for the PSP exhibit and tells you if you win or not...

  3. Ohhh you got a complete model. that's a bit different one. I had to assemble mine. I wonder what's in the rest of the box.

    My model was a different scale. It was like 1:114 something odd. At least you got one the same as in Odaiba :D I'm happy for you.

    D'OH! I forgot to have that stamp in my passport from tokyo temple...oh well. Maybe next time.

