Friday, October 16, 2009

10.16.2009 Canadian Science and Technology Museum

I went to the Canadian Science and Technology Museum to do some research and simply watch human behaviour. But how could I not resist exploring the museum too?

Lego exhibition: Wheels, Wings & Waves: A LEGO history of transportation. The exhibit was alright. Possibly because Legoland in Ulm is a bit more impressive....? Nor did I learn anything..

An exhibit where you are a data package traveling through a network.

Overall, this museum wasn't that exciting. If it was well done, the interactives should encourage the user to read and learn, but instead the interactives just beg for users to climb and play and they don't necessarily learn much from it. (Like, why is this happening? etc.) However, it is fun, and there are plenty of cool photo-ops. Yet, this could also be because I had no incentive on reading, I just wanted to play with everything in a short amount of time.

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