Friday, June 11, 2010

06.05.1010 Center Island

Center Island has become an annual trip I take with my friends. (... Starting last year) I remember my Dad used to take me there to see the Dragonboat races and all other random family friendly festivities they had there.

In order to get to the island, you have to take a ferry. Ferrys are pretty exciting because I find them so old school. Although I don't know what a modern way to get to an island would be.
There were some new discoveries on this island this time as well. 1. There's apparently a nude beach, and 2. there is a super awesome boardwalk on the other side of the island. In order to get there, we had to take this tiny crooked path with our bicycles which weaved between what looked like people's houses. Out on the other end of the path however, is a boardwalk that sits right above the water!

Getting ready for the beach

animal farm

Center Island is joined with two other islands. One of which is called Ward Island and supposedly has a better beach than Center Island's.

The secret boardwalk!

A sand dune beach. The sand is full of broken shells, so it was kind of prickly. But the sand goes on forever, and I thought this "stairway" was kind of neat in a makeshift way.

You can ride a bicycle through all three islands.. I think we made it through two.

The view. Hello Toronto!

Four person bicycle. Is it still called a tandem? If you want to go fast, don't bother with this one.

I thought this was funny, albeit not very child-safe. hahaa

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