Wednesday, May 19, 2010

05.18.2010 International Contemporary Furniture Fair New York

ICFF!!! is what my face looked like when I told them I was going to New York for a weekend. I think part of the hype was the fact that it is held in New York. We're aware its not Milan, but this'll do.

1. ICFF at Javits center
We walked to the Javits center and it was POURING rain. We are soaked, but you can't really tell. Conveneintly there was a MUJI store along the way, and I bought a nice umbrella for my collection. : )

So, at the ICFF...

1. There are some funny faces 2. There are some funny backpacks

1. We were shown magic tricks 2. We were shown magic homes
This green thing was this strange interactive thing that would light up and make noises according to the placement of "eggs" over the holes... I believe it was supposed to resemble something like a nest. The miniature home above, sells for approximately $200 USD, and is a doll house for your ecologically minded Barbie / doll. The lights are powered through solar panels in the roof, and the wood is sustainable!

1. we tested chairs, 2. we tried on hats, and get twittered!
This is the first time seeing a kneeling chair, and they are surprisingly quite comfortable. The hats on the left are made out of paper!

1. we tested Tom Dixon's new mirror and 2. Found things that match
Maybe robin egg blue is next year's colour..

1. we had meetings 2. we talked about furniture

1. we watched TV

1. some got gloomy

we play
There was so much to see vs. do! And you also notice that many things that you think are so amazing when you see them posted on blogs and such are actually less amazing in reality. 1/3 of the way through the fair I was getting so tired that I started to just walk by most of the stuff unless it caught my eye. So I didn't think much of ICFF. Actually, I was a little disappointed with it because it wasn't much different from Toronto's IDS...except with some nicer things and bigger companies. Anyway, when I returned home and checked my blog roll and photos, they all wrote as if ICFF was the coolest thing ever. In hindsight maybe I was just too tired to appreciate, it was kinda all right..!

Here's a few of the awesome things

1. wood writing table, sheet metal bins colour! 2. what i have been talking about all this time. look at those legs!

1. I liked how the carpet matched the celing decor 2. this company is crazy.

1.exhibition idea? 2. veneer flowers

P.S. If you want to see more product shots, you know where they might be.

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