Monday, May 30, 2011

05.29.2011 Arrival in Rome

1047pm Canada, 747am paris.
The first leg of the trip began from the Ottawa rail station. We took a greyhound which confused me because that meant we should be at the greyhound station. Anyway, technicality aside, I slept my two hour ride to Montreal.

The movies on the flight were alright. As usual I try to watch as many movies as I can but the selection was only so-so. I watched Somewhere, by Sofia Coppola and Never Let Me Go, a really sad story about humans bred for organ donation. The biggest surprise was the meal, I wasn’t able to ask for a vegetarian meal in time for this flight, but everyone’s meal came with red wine. I didn’t know alcohol was served so freely on the airplane. Isn't that expensive?

There are ten of us flying together to Rome. Currently I’m in Paris waiting for the connecting flight. The flight to Paris is pretty short. It is only six hours, which means a long drive to Ottawa from Mississauga could get me to Paris in the same amount of time.

The Paris airport is really nice. I like airports, they are/should always be architecturally captivating. I mean, this is the first place a person encounters before entering the city, so it should reflect and represent the city well. I can’t say the same for Pearson, but it has its good points too. Anyways nothing really exciting has been happening and I have nothing else to do but wait…and wait for my next flight. Perhaps I should grab some food.

2am Rome.
Rome is BEAUTIFUL! It is a mix of ancient and new, and not in a tacky way. The city is built and grows around old ruins and churches which are everywhere. It’s kind of like when you find a plant growing through a crack in concrete. Anyway let me back track…

We arrived in Rome and no one came to greet us at the gate. The guy never showed up! So we waited for three hours running around the terminals looking for someone to take us to our hotel and when we figured no one was going to come to our rescue, we paid for a shuttle bus.

The hotel is small, but good. The only not good thing is that there is no free wi-fi. Apparently you have to pay for wi-fi everywhere in Rome.

santa maria novella
So, with a good half a day left, we set off to the city! I got lost, at least six times. I spent most of my day looking for this one church, and when I did find it, it was closed (because I took too long finding it) And I have this thing that happens when I get really excited about the place, I lose all sense of composition and take crooked pictures, or really obscure stuff I would never understand when I go back to look at the pictures again a few years later.

My friend went to see an opera so we agreed to meet again at 8:30pm at the Trevvi fountain. It's a prime tourist spot so it was crowded. After we met, we roamed around looking for cheap dinner and crossed the river into this "bohemian neighbourhood with medieval streets". It wasn't as romantic as it sounded.

The streets are narrow

bascilica interior. I can't remmember which one!

We ended our night with true italian Pizza!

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