Friday, May 13, 2011

05.13.2011 Travel Preparations

This year, I've decided to start early. I have mixed feelings about my summer travels. I am excited, but I am tired, I can't wait, but I really could use some more time, and I have a million things to do before I leave, and a million things waiting for me to do when I return. It just never stops. And on top of that, you would think that travelling = vacation = taking a break, but HA! If you know me, and what I do, you'd know it wasn't true. Anyway I'm complaining now, but deep down I'm not, so don't take it too seriously.

Here's my flight schedule for my first trip:  ITALY! The brilliant part of it is that I leave from Ottawa. I haven't figured out if I should fly there or bus there or whoknowswhat there as long as I get to the train station on time. I guess you can't read it, but it says OTT-MTL-PARIS-ROME and back.

My second trip is to Sydney, Australia, and following that is Los Angeles; and that flight leaves two days after I return from Italy. So I'm currently throwing stuff into a pile of potential things to bring when I come across them. However, I can guantee you that I won't do any serious packing until the night before. (I haven't really changed at all)

Also, I've picked out my suitcase, but I noticed I have an even smaller one that is like 20% smaller. So I've been thinking...the Italy trip is onlyyy 30 days, I wonder if I can fit all my stuff into the smaller one...
See, my rationale is that if I was only going to LA for 30 days I think I could survive with the smaller suitcase. So why not Italy for 30 days? (Other than the fact that LA has more convenient amenities). I mean, I THINK I'm a pretty efficient traveller and packer... we'll find out closer to the date I guess. I brought them both out to stare at for the timing being.

1. Pile for Italy                     2. Suitcase sizes. It can fit right?

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