Monday, December 20, 2010

12.18.2010 ILLUINATION lighting by design @ Le Petit Mort Gallery

The third year class at Carleton's Industrial Design program had a small one night show at Le Petit Mort gallery. The gallery is owned by man with a peculiar taste. I don't mean peculiar in a bad manner though... I mean it in a distinct, eclectic, "contemporary art" kind of way.. Not to say the least, I really did enjoy the space. The place was small, but everything was well placed and the art was nicely curated.

The students were exhibiting their work from their recent lighting project, all under the same theme of an exploration of portable, hand held lighting. Products focused on different aspects to drive their designs such as alternative energy sources, interactive lighting, ethical opportunities, or innovative technologies. Students, alumni, and friends all came by to show their support.

exhibitors and friends

N.B. sorry for the alignment issues

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