Wednesday, June 29, 2011

06.29.2011 Los Angeles > Sydney, Australia

 virtual identities... 

I’m currently on my flight to Australia through Los Angeles. I am so tired! And I don’t know what kind of jet lag I am on. Is it Europe? Is it the strange amount of day light I’m getting? Is it Canada? Anyway, everybody here is super excited for the beach detour in LA before we catch our second flight to Sydney. I hope everything works out!

here we go!

the grand canyon! from way above!

The L.A. stopover to the beach worked out soooo nicely! There just happened to be early check in available for us and we dropped off our luggage and headed straight for the Santa Monica pier. It was late afternoon, so the sun was warm yet the air was cooling down. There are people all over the beach and the water goes out until forever. It was so exciting for all of us to be there. I went for a quick run in the sand, which didn’t turn out well because the sand was so soft under my feet. I felt like I was running on neoprene, there was nothing to push back on my feet. The rest of the time on the beach I spent trying to darken my tan from Italy, but that didn’t work either. By the time I finished my run and took a dip in the water and came out to cool down in the sun, the wind felt chilly against my skin and the sun was not hot enough to keep me warm. We stuck around for a bit, rolling in the sand, jumping in the waves, taking pictures, etc. you know, the regular beach stuff until we had to go back to the airport to head off for Sydney. Goodbye Santa Monica!

soo excited


Our connecting flight to Australia is run by Quantas. We were on a double decker again! But this one was even nicer than the other double decker from Paris to Montreal. The materials were nice! The backs of the seats were carbon fiber! I was duly impressed. I think this was the best economy class seat I’ve had (although the food is better at Cathay Pacific). They even come and give us drinks constantly and you can grab apples and other snacks in the “bar” in the back kitchen area.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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