Friday, July 1, 2011

07.01.2011 Syndey, Australia

 Isn’t it weird that today is the 1st of July?

Anyway, I have arrived in Sydney Australia! Sydney is very cold, actually much colder than I expected it to be. I think I will need to buy a jacket. I was told on the plane that it gets even colder at Blue Mountain. We were supposed to go to blue mountain today but we realised that we booked the wrong dates for it, So we just scoped out some nearby hostels and ended up sharing a master suite at a hotel by Central station. There is a king sized bed and a queen sized bed, and all four girls fit on the king size bed! There’s a rooftop pool too and a sauna, but it’s too cold for a dip in the pool.


Our room also comes with a small kitchenette and two tvs and all sorts of nice things.

Oh, I also blew a fuse in the room out of my haste to charge all my electronics cos they were all dying at the same time. Did you know that I could have charged all my electronics on the flight? (I obviously didn’t)

Just outside the train station is a very very long lineup which ends in a Ben and Jerry ice cream truck. I asked what was going on and apparently it was some sort of charity where you can donate however much money you want and then take as many Ben and Jerry ice cream tubs as you can possibly hold. I think you can imagine now how long the line up was. This lasted all day, even when we came back to our hotel at night, there were still people lining up for ice cream.

Since our plans have been thwarted we took a casual tour to the Sydney opera house and tried to get into the contemporary art museum, which we found out to be closed for a year. There doesn't seem to be too much to do in Sydney, which is a pity. I think I'm also slightly done being touristica because nothing compares to the streets of Italy anymore lol.


We headed back towards our hotel and stopped by Australia Square. I remember asking my friend if Australia square was a good place to be for a tourist and she didn’t understand why it would be interesting at all. I thought it was wonderful! There was a giant work from Calder placed in the square and a nice mural by Sol Lewitt on the inside. It made me think of Chicago. The building itself is considered to be iconic Australian architecture…which was meh!

By then, I was so exhausted. I felt like I’ve been awake for five days in a row. The jet lag and flying time and strange amounts of daylight was screwing me over. So we grabbed dinner at a Thai restaurant next to the hotel which was suggested by the front desk and we brought it to our hotel room to eat and watch the Simpsons. Not long after I was ready for bed at like 6pm. Tomorrow we are going to Blue Mountain, so this will be nice and relaxing!

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