Saturday, July 2, 2011

07.02.2011 Blue Mountains

I woke up today at 5am. I thought I’d wait until 6am to get up but my friend George got up so I was like what the heck, I may as well get up too.

We checked out at 10am and headed out for some overpriced breakfast and some Chinatown. We were at an Optus store (getting a data plan for the phone. 2 dollars a day unlimited EVERYTHING!) when one of the girls dropped her nail polish on the ground and spilled it in the store. (She was also doing her nails on the cashier desk) I got some on my jeans too. Sparkly orange, yum. I think it was at this point I realized that this was going to be a really different trip from Italy. I was given so much personal space and independence in my previous trip that I expected the same out of the group I am travelling with now. I want to say, “You’re an adult, you can take care of yourself” But that seems to be an overestimation. It is a strange and awkward adaptation for me. Instead of a body of independent beings, we need to work like a family unit.

We caught a train to Blue Mountain, forgetting one piece of luggage in the hotel. Luckily the hotel was literally right outside the station so it didn’t take long to grab it and get back on the train before it left.

Blue Mountain is a SMALL tourist town in the middle of nowhere. The town closes at 5pm and it gets so dark you would think it’s 10pm. The place we rented to stay at is a little townhouse stocked with all the proper amenities. It is almost (and as exciting as) borrowing somebody’s house.

We took a cab to our new home

                                Garage,                                                                                     Living room

The three sisters

We toured around the scenic area (described as an Australian version of the grand canyon but with trees) by rail, sky trolley, and this other thing which landed us on the other side of the valley with the river divide, so we cabbed it home.

The scenic skyway ride requires that we keep our shoes clean

Scenic Railway, the world's steepest roller railway 

There she goes!

our turn to go ride.

The path we chose

This is what it looked like for a good 30 seconds before we hit the bottom

Hey look! It's Nat!

The original plan was to make dinner at home as well, since there were pots and pans available for us to use. Buuut, we got lazy and hungry at the same time so we headed “downtown” to grab some grub. Guess what I came across? A giant antique store! Actually, afterwards I noticed there were tons of them everywhere. (I got two retro wedgewood shakers!)

We headed back home after dinner and just sat in front of the TV. We have an early wake-up tomorrow!


p.s. the bed has an electric blanket underneath it and it is sooooo good!

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