Monday, July 4, 2011

07.03.2011 Adventure Caving

Today we went abseiling!

In the morning, the bus picked us up at our front door and headed for the caves. The driver mumbled supposedly interesting facts about the Blue Mountains area over his speaker piece from the minute we sat down all the way until we got to the caves. It was nice, because the mumbling put everyone to sleep.

We arrived a bit early so we did our own tour of an open cave. We got audioguides and everything so we could walk around at our own pace. The cave exit of the cave was nice because it faces the forest and they have these trees that shed leaves that sparkle in the sun. Obviously I couldn't capture anything like that with my point and shoot.

look how tiny the people are at the mouth of the cave!


Blue lake, the water actually looks this blue! and there is a family of platypus that reside there.

shaking hands, making friends.

this is the map of the cave we are going to. down down down downhill..

gearing up,                                                 getting prepped

path to the caves...

Turns out, our adventure caving group was all Canadian. The other girl who joined us lived a ways away from the Waterloo area. Small world huh? We had two guides with us who took us 30m down underground. First, we abseiled 9m down a hole. This is like going downwards rock climbing after you’ve reached the top. I was really bad at it, I was like a cat clawing at a rock (with my feet) but not catching onto anything. Apparently keds are not a multi-purpose kind of shoe. For the most part, after seeing my peers come down the rock, I felt ashamed of myself haha.

first one going down,                                              proof that i was there...

going in!

Then, we went through a tiny hole, and crawled, squeezed through, lay on our stomachs and wiggled through little windows of space between rocks. The guides were great, and fun too, like they were having just as much of a great time we were.

"In the event you get lost, just look at my shirt!"

crawling through a hole..

front view,                                                      back view

"congrats! you made it to the other end!" she said merrily

We got home at 5pm and then headed out later for a wood fire stone oven baked pizza bar place that had live music and free wifi. We brought our laptops but the atmosphere was more bar like than coffee house like so it would have been weird to take out our computers. The place was good though, and the pizza was great. I think we have all adjusted to Australian time because we didn’t get home until 9pm, watched some more TV, had some instant noodles, and then went to bed!

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