Tuesday, July 5, 2011

07.05.2011 Taronga Zoo

Today we spent the bulk of our day at the zoo. We didn't get to touch or hold koalas, but the zoo was very nice. They have outdoor spaces that you walk into and the animals just hang around there. There are no fences or anything, Just small signs saying please don’t feed, or walk into x area. It was nice and surprising to see that animals weren't confined in cages. Actually, the entire zoo was really well laid out, the graphics were clear, and informative, and the green dotted line on the brochure map is actually a giant green dotted line path painted on the ground. I don’t know what to say, the living quarters were clean, and not very smelly, and spacious for both visitors and animals. I got to see a koala and many kangaroo-like animals. I wish Toronto Zoo was like this.

Let’s see, the main animals to visit were: koala, kangaroo, emu, red panda, meerkats, Tasmanian devil, an old turtle, and a condor.

Taz! So cute yet so dangerousss!

1. "Look its a real condor! Like from Condor Heroes! Heee! " she exclaims excitedly. 2. Wallaby is tired.

1. Long nosed Potoroo, 2. Short Beaked Echidna. Frightened Echidnas burrow into the ground or roll into a spiky ball. 

1. me vs the tallest baby giraffe.                                         2. itchy scratchy

1. gutsy gibbon,                                              2. gawkish giraffe

1. sleeping,                                           2. eating


WOMBAT! I want to take you home!

1. family photo,                                           2. zoo exit?

The inside of an elephant, reminds me of le petit prince.

another family photo with our ancestor's cousins, see the resemblance?

hippity-hop, hopping away..

The zoo took all day, so we took the last ferry back to Sydney and grabbed some food and went home.

Oh, we also walked around the Rocks area, and found a really cool but overpriced bookstore. The place is decorated with the owner's personal collection of (really cool stuff) and the collection of books being sold were obviously curated and thoughtfully selected for the store. I have new books to add to my collection.

And you know what else was fascinating today? THE SEATS ON THE TRAIN CAN MOVE!

Okay, bye!

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