Wednesday, July 27, 2011

07.26.2011 Universal Studios

Day two of the post conference tour! Today we went to Universal Studios and Chinese Theatre and this... shopping place with a Farmer's Market located next to CBS. 

Didn't go in, is there a red carpet?

I have no idea why this place is called Chinese Theatre, but what was even more exciting was the H&M and Zara and American Apparel across the street lol.

1. tourist trap! I know, I took this picture thinking about how Kelvin got swindled the exact same way in Rome.                         2. Harry Potter!

cool building. I think it's a church.

"CBS! Look! It's the price is right! Craig Ferguson is RIGHT NEXT DOOR" as her expression accelerates from regular to omygodajehfads-excited.

A Taschen bookstore. So many nice books, So expensive..

1. J.Crew I love you,                                                               2. We match!

So close to getting a discount...

We're here!

I think this was the most memorable "ride" we went in at Universal Studios. It was the first one and everybody went in together. As stupid as a haunted house is, the kids were really cute and we all played along and exaggerated our scared-ness. At one point, they all shouted, "OMITOFO!" when we saw a zombie (which made me laugh), and they even sang the Noble Eightfold Path song that they learned during the conference. Somehow although it was supposed to be a scary ride, it ended up being (the nicest) full of sillyness and laughter. 

"Quick! Everybody get in the phone booth nooooww!!" she says in a pushy tone so she can take a picture.

All I needed was somebody nice to sit or stand here. 

1. Rock on..!                                                                        2. "Can you make that face?" "What, like this?" "Yeaah!!"

No sitting on escalators. What a rebel, these boys are so hard to teach! 


I went on the water ride. We took the single riders lane to bump the queue and I got the lucky front seat on the side. I was soaked. The guy behind me? He was pretty dry if you ask me.

Universal Studios Studio Tour

Homes on Wisteria Lane, or Colonial Drive, or the street that BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER lives on. Need I say more?

1. Shark!                                                 2. The thousand-and-oneth Dodgers fan out there.


1. Let me in!                                                                2. Eeek!

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