Tuesday, July 12, 2011

07/7-12/2011 IBLYAEC

Thanks to Google. Taken by someone named Robert Ondo. lol

Goodbye Sydney, we are off to NanTien (in Wollongong, still Sydney)!

Actually, in the morning, we received an urgent call that our pick up time was changed from 10am to 9am so we rushed out of our place, shovelled breakfast down our throats, and booked it to the airport. We made it on time, but ended up having to wait two hours longer (so until 11am) before we could leave. So I’m not really sure what that was all about.

We met up with other Australian people flying in (Brisbane, Melbourne) and got into a giant van towards Wollongong. Our luggage was placed in a metal box that was towing behind our van. It technically could have disconnected en route any second. I thought I took a picture, but I can't find it, but somehow it made me think of the Darjeeling Limited.

Nan Tien Temple is nice! I somehow neglected to take a photo of the overall place. I just enjoyed it.  Looking back, I wish I spent the time to take some good pictures. If only I can share the crisp morning air and all the green that exists in the winter and the starry skies and upside down moon at night with you. The living quarters for all of us was really nice too, it was like living in a hotel/bed and breakfast. I was expecting more Hsi Lai Temple like and less Kaohsiung FGS like. Somehow it also feels brighter than “Ma Ju Yuan” in Taiwan, but I think the heat in Taiwan has something to do with it.

The conference began the day we arrived, so it was a mishmash of acquainting oneself to the area and checking in and registration and seeing old friends and standard stuff like that.

we planted trees!

        1. This guys are trying to plant trees too...             2. My plot                                 3. -34.468515,150.846882 (location@12:00pm,7/8) - Google Maps

You know that old adage: Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver, the other's gold? These are all gold!

We went exploring for a bit on the last day because we had some free time. We rang the peace bell, jumped a fence (although I'll admit I was terrified of being attacked by some sort of wildlife.. I mean, when did I last take my tetanus??), and checked out the lake and pagoda and stuff. There were a lot of things to wander through so it was a nice adventure. Although, the one thing I realized we missed was the front gate! 

We had classes too...!

The conference itself was good. To be honest, it was even better than expected since our guiding Ven. told us not to have high expectations. When in actuality, I’ve discovered that Australia has a very strong team of very talented people. They are also very focused in the arts so you can notice that there was thought put into the visuals. They are pretty on top of their game, and apparently they started planning a year in advance! (which is quite organized compared to many hosts who start their planning only a few months in advance) Anyway, it’s been a mishmash of 5 days of classes and activities and friends so I am just going to sit this one out and just show you the pictures.

I sent my letters, last minute as usual and checked in to leave Oz.

I went to the airport the day after the conference ended. I somehow thought I had an extra day and that I could go to Melbourne or something crazy like that, but it would have been impossible. Goodbye Australia! It was nice to meet you! Maybe I will be back again to finish seeing some stuff. Weirdly, I don't even think I enjoyed Sydney that much (even though it was fun), but I think NanTien was really refreshing. If only Canadian winters could stay just as green. 

credit: IBLYAEC photography crew. Bye-bye

N.B. I have one more thing that I wish I bought that I still think of. The next time I go, I will pick him up. (The giant wombat in the post about the zoo) I’d grab one for me, and another for a friend. Agh! He’d be so perfect sitting in my shelf! I'm dreaming about it as we speak!


  1. we WERE trying to plant the tree, even though it looked like we were planting it upside down~

  2. Did you end up planting it right side up?

  3. yes, of course. have faith, young one~

  4. We shall see, in ten years, there should be some sort of reunion! I don't know where yours is though, you cannot triangulate with a straight line. (Cake's tree and my tree)

  5. fluffy power will direct me to the location
