Friday, October 7, 2011

10.06-08.2011 Manhattan, New York

yes, the ceiling is backwards
Today is museum day! Actually make that MoMA day. We got up early and left the house with my friend going to work in the morning. We're still quite unacquainted with the area. First we split up, my friend went to line up for rush tickets for How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and I ventured forth to the New York public library. Actually since I was meandering, my first stop ended up being Grand Central Station. It's really pretty!

1. This is supposed to be a christmas card,                                                                                                  2. Say, can you see?
Made a few significant touristy stops. ie, the Robert Indiana LOVE sculpture, and Grand Central. Walked throughout Grand Central mostly thinking about the last movie I saw relating to this place, Arthur

yep, yay!
I think libraries are my favourite kind of public building. But if we are talking about architecture, playgrounds take the cake...maybe. It's got to be a good mix of public and private space and fit hordes of people without suffocating them all. And it's quiet! Anyway, I tried to get into as many different rooms as possible without losing time on MoMA.

see see no touch

for books

for computers


Can't trust anyone.

I passed Barnes and Noble on the way and it caught my eye because there was this giant line up along the side of the store. I asked around, and they were all waiting to go see William Shatner! I went in to take a peek, but smart as they were, he was hidden behind a whole bunch of fabric screens where you would have to maze your way through to get to the cheese.

My friend and I reconvened at MoMA. We spent the top few contemporary art floors together and then got lost along the way because one of us was taking too long. Anyway she disappeared and I hopped on over to the temporary exhibition. Three hours later, I'm late for our dinner rendezvous and quickly catch the subway towards Times Square.

Talk to Me - Design and the communication between People and Things.
This was small, but really good. I've got so much to share but, it will take forever to write about, so here's the catalog link for all the items in the exhibition.
They also have a very neat "curatorial process/behind the scenes" blog about the exhibition.
Talk to Me explores the communication between people and things. All objects contain information that goes well beyond their immediate use or appearance. In some cases, objects like cell phones and computers exist to provide us with access to complex systems and networks, behaving as gateways and interpreters. Whether openly and actively, or in subtle, subliminal ways, things talk to us, and designers help us develop and improvise the dialogue. 

The exhibition focuses on objects that involve a direct interaction, such as interfaces, information systems, visualization design, and communication devices, and on projects that establish an emotional, sensual, or intellectual connection with their users. Examples range from a few iconic products of the late 1960s to several projects currently in development—including computer and machine interfaces, websites, video games, devices and tools, furniture and physical products, and extending to installations and whole environments. 

Talking Carl, Yann Le Coroller, 2010                                  PhoneBook, Yuki Kishi, Saori Watanabe, 2009 link

Benjamin Dennel, 2009                                          Prayer companion, link


Calder spotting

My other friend got off work, and met us for dinner and broadway. We ate at ShakeShack, which is this infamed burger place that has a lineup every single day. Anyway, I can understand it, because their burgers are GOOD. We ordered the portabella one and the patty is like a deep fried bubble with portabella and cheese inside.

Harry Potter!

The following few days were spent shopping, and eating and making small discoveries. We made our way to the Brooklyn Superhero Store and it was closed! It's my second time trying to get there, so maybe the third time will be a charm.

1. Tried to get into the ID building, but every entrance is guarded by security and you need a studentcard to enter. 2. Stealing Fluffy.

1. building,                                                                                     2. building,                                                                                          3. Bus 

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