Sunday, October 30, 2011

Preparing for Berlin

credit. Teddy Luong

So, ohmygod, like, ULTIMATE ADVENTURE? Just kidding, but, I'm going to Berlin! It's been a mad few weeks of getting my VISA approved, flights, housing, meeting up with friends, seeing the Kids, and finishing up odd hours of part time work. Mostly from the kerfuffle of the German VISA.

I went for bbt with my old roommate to catch up and say goodbye before I leave. The sketch above pretty much sums up the week and expression about the exasperation I felt with the tiny but ridiculous housing mess I indirectly created. Let's see, it began like this...

I got accepted to goto Berlin, and therefore needed to apply for a VISA. I also know nothing about Germany, or have any acquaintances there, so it seemed like a big jump into a black hole of mystery island. My mom, having heard the news was chatting with her friend in LA and told her the news, who, in turn, became quite anxious about the idea of me travelling without a safe haven and with a good heart contacted her acquaintance in Berlin to help me out. The Berlin acquaintance assented and before sending me a letter of housing offer, contacted their regional boss about the matter. Then, the regional boss, contacted the headquarters in Taiwan about the issue, who in turn, contacted my sister, whom, if you follow the pattern correctly, then contacted me, asking, "WHAT KIND OF A MESS ARE YOU MAKING!" Well, to make matters smaller, and I mean, bigger, headquarters in Taiwan also contacted my home base in Toronto and the home-base-boss was not pleased. Actually, she was pretty offended because this was part of her job, to help me with any liason stuff, and not the five other people all around the world because Toronto is our home, and she was top of the pyramid. Anyway so all that happened, and at the same time, I received a letter for housing for my VISA from Berlin, but when I submitted it, I was missing supporting documentation for it. It was a lot to ask for, especially from an acquaintance of a friend's friend's daughter, and they eventually bailed to provide the documentation I needed so I made reservations at a hostel right away and crossed my fingers that the German consulate would accept the changes. I calmed the home base boss down, and put powers back in her hands, and slowly I deactivated the time bomb of bizarre events.
Every now and then I hear snippets of information, like how they may be registering me for housing in other European states such as Holland (even though I'm not going to Holland), just in case I go!

I am grateful, because this all came from a good place, but next time I hope things don't happen like this...

Other things have been keeping me on my toes. I have been "secretly" seeing the Kids in the afternoon, and working ridiculous part time hours around it (because I tend to overdo things, like working hours), and volunteering, and catching up with friends before I jet off again... I guess it was kind of stressful, so it was good to see her so I could vent! I even grew two canker sores. So much "hot air!"

1 comment :

  1. quite an experience eh? This would be an example of "good people trying to do good things yet things go wrong". I'd just glad things worked out in the end which means all the mantra we chanted worked,lol
