Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11.02.2011 Packing the day before

"I can't fit everything in my suitcase," she says dismally.

I've sorted through my things, trying to pack for potentially three seasons and fit it all in one SINGLE suitcase so I don't have to have to pay for an extra cargo piece. In list-mania inventory form, that's like 2 wool sweaters, 5 cardigans, a pullover, 4 pants, 4 shoes, 2 skirts, 2 shorts, 4 dresses, 8 shirts, 7 bags, leggings, socks, mitts, hats, scarves, jewellery, al.
I did give up on trying to bring my rain boots and/or my snow boots.

My almost full suitcase, and everything else still needs to get inside

And since there was all day to do this, I took my sweet time between gmail and packing. Actually, I had so much time I was able to pack the first suitcase, to discover that it was too small, and relocate into the second suitcase, to find that it would leave me with no extra room to spare, and then into the third suitcase, (each suitcase increases by size by a factor of 1.25) by then which my cousin came over and yelled at me and told me to pay for the extra cargo and repacked my things into the first and second suitcase, with room to spare (6 lbs to be exact). And now, I shall pass on the packing queen crown to her. 

"Is it overweight?" we ask nervously.

Well, this is a new feeling, my luggage is packed more than 24 hours ahead of my flight! I have some loose ends like stuff that goes into the hand carry which I can easily put off until tomorrow... Just for the sake of tradition!

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