Thursday, November 3, 2011

11.03.2011 Toronto > Brussels, Belgium

Goodbye Canada!

The sign for Jet Airways to Brussels also said New Delhi. The Check-in line for the flight was full of people that looked like they were going to New Delhi. I began a worrisome thought that maybe my flight was so cheap because it was going to New Delhi and not legitimately going to Germany. Just to make sure, when I submitted my passport, I asked the lady at the desk about it, and she laughed at me and assured that my baggage would be sent straight to Berlin. She even chuckled and said, "Good one". Oh hardy har har.

 Giant installation sculpture in Pearson Terminal 1. Makes a nice personal space between the walls.

The flight to Brussels is only 6 hours. Much shorter than anticipated! The movie selection was sort of limited, but I watched the Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The other movie options were old movies or bollywood. Midway through the flight, there was an old man who made a thud noise in the aisle behind me. There was a bit of a shout, and then a whole bunch of words in another language I could not understand. Apparently he had fallen over because of his low sugar level, or something like that. Nobody had a glucometer, so I don't think anybody checked. Over the PA, an attendant announced for any sort of doctor on the flight to stand up and help out. I wonder if someone who was a doctor on the flight would ever ignore the call for aid. Anyway, a lady who was a paramedic came by and measured blood pressure and etc. I guess she packs all this stuff with her in her hand carry. Or they have it packed on the plane. The old man was assisted back to his seat, and given some apple juice, and then I went back to my broken sleep.

See all that light coming in? Comme Paris CDG? Oui? Maybe it's the same architect..

The Brussels airport is quite nice. Actually it reminds me of Paris CDG. It has the same kind of feel with the dome shaped glass windows and large amount of natural morning light pouring in.

The airport is filled with art (notice the egg with wings) and Tin Tin.

Heading through customs, the border guy asked me if I knew any German, and I sheepishly said no, and he told me I should learn, and I replied, "Well, I know The Sound of Music!" and, slightly taken aback by the outburst, responded, "That's Austrian!" and told me not to try to pull that on a real German and advised me further to learn real German. hahaha. Duly noted.

Well, over and onwards!

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