Sunday, November 6, 2011

11.06.2011 FGS Berlin

I went to FGS Berlin today. Actually, since I am staying there temporarily after my hostel stay runs out, I figured it would be a good idea to move half my luggage there first, instead of both at once. Ever since Venice, I've been traumatized by stairwells when I have to carry my suitcase.

1. agh! STAIRS!                                                           2. Waiting for the U bahn



There was a Medicine Buddha Chanting Service today. That's the second time I get to participate in one! (Once in Toronto, and one here). I realize temples in Europe must be very difficult to maintain. I shouldn't be surprised but I am. There are not a lot of devotees, and the nuns are very busy. It almost has the same feel as the Montreal FGS, but even then, Montreal FGS has a lot of help from us in Toronto. Even more interesting, is that the monastic playing the wooden fish, also has to get up and almost run to play the drums during the ceremony! The walls are not even partially filled with donor names. It really makes me feel that the temple in Toronto really is a lucky place.

My Florence roomates have left, and all I have left is the girl from the States who studies in Ireland, and this other guy, whom I cannot remember anything about him except he too, was from the states. They leave in the morning.

1 comment :

  1. Haha, the Venerables really will know how to multy task once they get to our temple. They sometimes play 3 instruments at the same time! And then also holding a mic!
