Monday, November 7, 2011

11.07.2011 First day at work!

 entrance to building

First day at work is as exciting/nerve inducing as the first day of school at a new school.

Work begins between 9am-10am and ends around 4pm-6pm. I didn’t know what to expect so it was pretty exciting. The entrance is one of those doors you have to push a button/buzzer for like Castiglioni’s home, or in less dreamy terms, an apartment haha. The office is like a small little home with two rooms a tiny tiny made-up kitchen and a toilet. I have a desk with the two ladies I'm working with, and in the other room is the cutting table and inventory/packaging etc.

I'm glad to find that this isn't a basement scheme made up by creepy old men.

Today was great, I got to know the people, the place, and spent my day making prototypes for their side project...which may be heading for the salon del mobile in Milan next year (!!!) Everyone is really nice, they are patient and understand that I am adjusting... and I really need to learn German. They can speak English, French, and German, but I think it would be best if I can follow along their debate on some things.

1. street to work,                                  2. the last few sunny days of Berlin before we plunge into gray

I also wore my casual heels today thinking that I would be indoors, so it wouldn't matter. What a terrible idea. Tomorrow I am wearing my sneakers! I stood all day at the cutting table and then went out around town after. My sorry feet!!

During work, my coworkers found a three bedroom apartment that was available, and they knew someone who was also looking, so she connected us together to see the place. I met the girl at the apartment, and it as it turns out, the flat for rent was a two bedroom, three room apartment. We declined, but I felt bad since I was the (obvious) add on to the original duo who were looking for a 2 bdrm apartment. After this place, she offered to take me to another apartment she was viewing today, also coincidentally a three bedroom! So I said sure, and followed her around town. Turns out, she used to work for the same company I am working for now, and was telling me about how she didn't like Berlin in the beginning, especially without knowing anybody so she can understand my situation. "But now I am a Berlin lover!" she exclaims like a true convert. Actually, when she talks about Berlin and all its awesomeness it seems a lot more exciting than the past few days I have been living through haha.

1. There's Charlie,                                                                    2. Isn't this FUN?

We needed to kill time on the way to the second apartment appointment so we browsed through a shopping mall and she showed me Checkpoint Charlie, the Berlin Wall crossing point, which is now considered to be the Disney of Berlin. I didn't understand why, because there were no rides, but maybe it's the strength of the tourist magnet? 

The second apartment turned out to be a three room two bedroom apartment as well, but in a really good location. The living room is giant, so the idea of living in the living room crossed my mind, but the place comes unfurnished with no utilities except water. So it's probably not a good idea.. Afterwards, we met up with her friend for tapas. He spoke mostly Spanish, but we were still able to understand each other. 

Tomorrow, we're having dinner at his place with their friends. My friend is making Tiramisu and Spanish omelette. This reminds me (and really miss!) of the monthly potlucks we had during the school. I always love a shared dinner. 

My new friend comes from Spain too, and can speak a bit of German here and there, loves shopping, and knows how to bake cakes. It was really nice hanging out with her, I hope we can find a three bedroom apartment without troubles!

Oh I also learned a new word.. it sounds like "Juice!" and I think it means bye. The lady at work who picks up the phone and does all the communications always ends her phone calls with something that sounds like: "Vonder-var! Juice!"

Once I settle down I'll post less. I think.

Oh, and roommate update of the day! There is a new man sleeping in the bunk above me. He breathes with his mouth open while he sleeps and his breath stinks. I opened the window last night to air it out, but it was pretty chilly. I definitely left the room this morning with the window wide open to air it out though. Maybe tonight I should sleep before he does so I don't smell anything haha. This one is actually from Ireland, and has been travelling all around the world, for fun (or so he says). He's been to Tibet, Cambodia, the States, other Asian countries, blah blah.. He is quite chatty in the morning.


  1. Hahaha, a chatty man in the morning!

    BTW I think it was "Wunderbar! TschüB!" (wonderful! BYE!)

    (Yeah I should read it all before I post...)

  2. I think once you settle down and meet more friend you will discover the beauty of berlin. Oh but im surprised a guy sleep on top bunk. so they don't seperate male/female by room in hostel? (one less incentive for me to live in hostel, haha)

  3. No, it's my hostel room is mixed. You can get gender specific rooms. I chose that one because it's the cheapest option. And if you notice so far, the room doesn't even get filled, except maybe during the weekend..
