Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11.08.2011 Dinner in Spain

                 1. The boys cooking while we listen to 70s spanish music, or the trolololo man,        2. Spanish omelettte

Today I was transported to Spain, located behind the rickety doors of a small, dilapidated looking yet warm kitchen. There was Spanish music playing in the background, an Alejandro, a Diego, and a Pedro and more names similar in that manner,  and when everybody gets excited at the dinner table, they get louder and louder and speak faster and faster in Spanish and I am totally lost in a whirlwind of foreign intonations. (and my mind wanders to thinking about Dora the explorer) At the least, it sounds friendlier and softer than German. But sometimes when they switch between the two I'm not sure if they are speaking English, German, or Spanish! It also made me think of my two dear studiomates who are Spanish-fluent and how they would fit right in. Oh, and I also learned something neat: apparently in Spain they often finish their meals with red wine mixed with Coke (isn't that weird) and eat pineapples.

They asked me if my name was real. "No, this is just my Spanish name, and I change it accordingly," I replied. Well, with a name like mine, I think I could fit right in haha. At this rate, if we really do live together, I will end up learning Spanish and not German.

Our dinner was planned for 7pm, or we were supposed to meet at 7pm. I'm not sure which, but either way, we didn't eat until at least 9pm. My friend and I made tiramisu. It's surprisingly easy! Minus making meringue without a mixer. (We had to take turns mixing the egg whites.) Somehow I always assumed it was a difficult thing to make.

The blue baby at the office

Backtracking on another exciting note, when I came back from lunch today at work, I got a new laptop case! Hoorah! I am so happy with it. I think it was because my laptop cover was sitting on the table when I left for lunch and they noticed that my handmade case was moulting. Haha. They didn't want to offend me by offering a new case, and were very much like "Oh, you don't have to, if you want to keep your [moulting] laptop case," My falling apart IKEA felt had seen better days, I'm slightly ashamed to even show them my handmade case, the zipper doesn't even align! Oh, well, wait until they see my toe sock ipod holder!
But then here comes the sad news, it doesn't fit in my messenger bag! Now, the obvious reason is to get another new bag, because now I am not giving up the laptop case hahaha. Well, with a bit of a shove, it will do for now.

Also during lunch time, I locked my coworkers inside their office! For some reason, you can lock people inside their own homes and there is no way that they would be able to unlock themselves out. It's a strange sort of security measure, but anyway, I have the habit of always locking the door behind me, and that is exactly what I did when I stepped out. Coincidentally enough while I was away, a package arrived for them at the door, and they couldn't open the door to pick up the package. The two of them burst into laughter on one side and the resigned postman on the other side could do nothing but try to stifle his own laughter. In the end, they had to receive the package through the window!

Roommate update: The Irish man left, and so there was a new guy last night. He's an MBA student from Dusseldorf studying aviation management, taking courses here for a few days. I think he is leaving in the morning too. Maaybe I will have the room to myself on the last night?

And I've changed my mind. Instead of sounding like Juuice! Perhaps it sounds more like Chews!

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