Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11.09.2011 Modulor, the magnificent materials store

Off to another temporary stay!

My hostel days are up so I moved to stay at the temple. Last night I actually ended up with the entire hostel room to myself, and I guess in the middle of  the night someone moved in. When I got up in the morning, he was there sleeping with his toes sticking out from under the covers. I made a ruckus leaving and he didn`t even budge.

Today, I went to pick up paper at a sort of arts and crafts material store, but not in the kitschy kind. It was THE BEST STORE EVER. If I was to show friends around town, I`d make them stop here. It`s so awesome it`s good enough to be a tourist attraction. They had stationery items, paper stock of every weight, colour, and texture, cool prints, plastics, metals, mesh, packaging stuff, tools, clay, paint, fabric... EVERYTHING. Like seriously, I think the potential for making really nice things is much higher in Berlin because you have stores like these. I was like floating between the aisles. And there are these workshops on the side, or specialty stores for a certain material or process or product. There are a lot of materials that I`ve never seen before either that I want to fiddle around with. Just think of all the beautiful little notebooks I can make haha.  I was telling my coworkers today about my love for the store and the inspiration to start side projects, and they said that if I wanted to do something I could run it by them and we could see where it goes! If my ideas don`t turn out tacky that is (they probably will)!


1. paper stacks, 2. bendy metal? It's called Blei Bandabschnitte? I want to playyy.

                         1. My new temporary residence,                                            2. Solitary confinement! haha just kidding. But it really is this white.


  1. wow you're room is frighteningly white. the yellow really stands out though haha. AND THE STORE! my goose...

  2. with the lights off, the room is frighteningly dark.
    Have you been to the store? (Even if you haven't, let me take you..)

  3. you should totaly bring that store back...brilliant business idea

  4. Blei is lead, hence it's so bendy. Avoid eating it haha.

    Your heating is the central heating radiator in your room. That metal thing next to your bed. Water runs through it yes. And they should vent the air out, it since it only heats up the first part. I wonder if they do that. Mind you it will smell, because it seems they haven't done that venting in a long while and the air in the radiator must be sort of "rotting".
