Thursday, November 10, 2011

11.10.2011 Relocated

Welcome to the Berlin fog. Everyday will be more or less like this now. Enjoy!

I got lost this morning heading to work. (I know, what's new) I couldn't find the station close to the temple (it's JUST down the street, I know it is..) and so I ended up walking in a zigzag manner between two subway lines across three stations. By the time I got to a station (any station was good at this point) I was breaking into a sweat lol. At least I was mentally prepared and left early so I could afford time to be lost and confused, but still, it would be nice if I wasn't.  I am not familiar with this area because I only walked it once in the dark conversing with someone and the other time I came out of a different station exit and took a bus. To make matters easier, I also got lost last night heading to the temple too, so I have been starting to get weary. All this walking and getting lost, and waiting for the wrong Sbahn/Ubahn has probably taken off a few pounds!

 I was sent to grab fabric today with the bike. I was so excited! Except, I only made it to the corner of this street (unlock, take seven steps, and stop) because the seat was way too high for me. Even on my tippy toes I could not get on. Plus, with my recent biking track record, (see last day in Rome post) I wasn't going to try anything risky like that. I had to lock it back to the building and walk. Actually I tried to get my coworkers attention about the bike seat through the window (because they sit next to the window) so I wouldn't have to go back into the office to tell them, but they couldn't see me jumping and waving outside. The lady who works below our office however, could definitely see me through her window and I could totally tell she had a question mark on her face and was trying not to stare. 

1. more neat buildings, 2. wavy balcony!
So I walked, and took pictures along the way. I also found a tabacci (convenience) store which was where I was told I could find a calling card to call home. Apparently not. : ( Sorry, I will call home soon somehow, I promise!
1. teee so cute!, 2. What the heck does "A" mean in a traffic light? There's traffic lights for bikes, cars, and no timers for pedestrians so they may get run over (by car or bike) any second it goes from red to green.

Just look at that glimmering observation deck, how could you resist?

This time, on my way home, I took all the exits (there's like six of them, WHY) at the station so I could familiarize myself. Ha! I better not get lost tomorrow. Anyway since I think I know my way around now, I stopped at the Berlin Wall Documentation Center. It has a cute observation tower (which totally caught my eye) and a tiny well made exhibit in German and English about the history and politics of the building of the Berlin wall from different perspectives. It was alright. I was mainly there for the observation tower!

 The exhibit shows the events from different perspectives with a single medium for each. In light blue, is Berlin with audio documents, red is for Germany through archival documents, and dark blue is the view from the outside (English, French, American news) through photography.

That glowing white light shows me where my home is. It's such a relief to see it shine so bright at night!

Oh, and tomorrow is Rememberance day. I don't have a poppy! : (


  1. "A" stands for "Achtung" I think. is something like "Attention". Should go on when a tram is passing or bus or something like that.

  2. BTW, that bike doesn't look tall at all.
